A trip to Sumba, Nusa Tenggara Timor, Indonesia

May 2018

It was a trip 20 years in the making. Almost 20 years to the day that I had travelled to Sumba, one of Indonesia’s 15,000+ islands in eastern Indonesia, with my father as a child I ventured to return to the island to visit a family we had maintained contact with since that time.

It is amazing how, despite day to day living remaining largely the same over that time, technology has evolved to allow us to stay instantly connected - we did keep in touch by mail/post previously, albeit with much more of a time lag and risk of loss in the mail journey.


This trip I would stay my whole time in and around Melolo, on the eastern side of Sumba, at the family home for a week. My time filled with spending time with the family, playing with the kids, and continuing to develop my Bahasa Indonesia language skills (which I’m happy for report are nearing high intermediate following this trip!).

This is but a snippet of what took place that week. I hope it provides you inspiration to explore more, to create meaningful connections, and to follow your heart.

Do you want to explore Sumba? Feel free to get in touch with me for tips, also check out this website for all things Sumba Information.